Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can you breath it? It's in the air...

Yes! Valentine's is right around the corner, but... what's triggering such romantic feelings that are making me type these words after so long?? This is how it begins...

This is FBLA-PBL week, and Claudia (chapter's VP of Public Relations, I guess..) wanted to show some love to her fellow E-board members, so she decided to bring a bucket with candies and chocolates for the cute, really beautiful girls that are part of this wonderful E-Board. So after I pick up my present I go to the office of one of the "Big Names at the School of Biz" for some signatures, and of course... I still had my little red, heart-decorated bucket with me, screaming love love love all over the place. So he's like...
Him: "uuhh, a special someone got that for you??"
And I'm all shy and smileyy  looking
Me: *lil smirk* a friend did. *fact! and he got it!*
Him: how many of those do u expect to get for v-day? *reads the docs I brought him*
Me: IDK, i really just want one, from just one person.. *he signs them*
Him: Well, you already have one, so I guess you've met your quota.. (I LOLed at this in my head because he's a biz person so it kind of made  XP 
Me: true...
Him: Don't worry about it, I'll give him until Tuesday, sometimes things don't happen until Tuesday.. 
I look fascinated by his comment
Him: and if he doesn''re still young. *hands me the papers*

I guess he made my day a pretty interesting one.

On another note...
I can't wait until Monday!!!!*thrills*....some friends and I have this mega extravaganza planned out.. I just can't wait!! 
 =D  I might even blog about it