Day Número 4.
A habit that you wish you didn’t have
I'm a scared little b&tch.
Why can't I go around doing and saying what i want to? I guess it's just not in my genes. Pussy little genes of mine!
but hey, I still manage to make a fool of myself without thinking about the peep surrounding me, so there must be some kind of stupid anomaly with my DNA :P
my sister says that that's called being me, so now I'm starting to think that maybe I do want to be scared of stepping up to people, not really but sometimes, well that I do (my genes are pussies not me), so maybe I'll take it up a notch and do it most of the time.
maybe, after all, i shouldve done day 4 on my inability to be fully Cuban... hhmm, I'll explain that someday.
as of now i have a new year resolution: to be the QUEEN OF THE WORLD! buaaahahaha..hagrkk *clears throat* note to self: stick to normal laugh.
Are you telling me that you acting crazy and loud is you being scared? LOL. "Inability to be fully Cuban"? AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I think I just died or peed in my pants from laughing.