Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Smoother

This is a story about a young gentleman and a very beautiful young lady. It starts with the young man and the young lady having mutual friends and coincidently with similar interests which take them to attend to the same events. After a while the friendly faces start to say Hi and wave hands at each other every time they cross paths. To say the least, the beautiful young lady is moi.
Well, to my incredible shame, I did not know the young gentleman's name, and the very amiable encounters never had gone beyond the usual "hello" but everything turned out to be on my favor when I met this friend of his and he's introducing himself to me, and I'm all like
"oh, yeah, I've seen you around with..." pause to get him to say the name and... "Frank! yeah, I'm his friend" voilĂ  -- THE UNIVERSE HAS SPOKEN! I'm destined for success. LOL 
yeah, it turns out that not only, modesty aside, I'm the incredibly gorgeous young lady but I'm also...wait for it.. "The Smoother". Because I'm smooth like that (in case you didn't get it). Take that *insert thing/person here*.
Ah! writing feels good  :D 
PS: I really don't know if Frank knows my name, *shrugs* oh, well...