Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas: OVERRATED crap!

DISCLAIMERThis is a Christmas Hate Article, please read with parent supervision or ... whatever.

There are several reasons why Christmas is OVERRATED, and the only one I'm going to give you (simply because is 3:00 a.m. and I wanna get this over with) is because HUMANITY! has been celebrating it for HUNDREDS of years, get OVER it already; it's not like I celebrate my birthday every year, oh, thats right, I DO (hehehe, ignore my last argument). Sooo, as I was saying, not only is overrated but it gets boring and I just feel like I hate people more than ever when this season comes around. No, it's not because everyone smiles most of the time and happiness flourishes all around, although so much happiness kinds of gets to me, but because... :

  1. (One) Radio stations start playing Christmas songs every ten mins, and most of them have this MELLOW melody that makes me depressed and adds on to the ordinary amount of boredom I get to take everyday.( No. 1 song that should be banned Burrito Sabanero; freaking Ass doesnt die for walking so many miles to Belen every year)
  2. (Two) People start decorating their houses in such a hideous way, that seriously 'me da pena'. If you are gonna put that little amount of lights you shouldda saved the money and get yourself some paint for your house; OR (on some other cases) put yourself together and realize that your decorative abilities SUCK really bad so YOU! *pointing finger* make my neighborhood a carnival, and a really bad one cuz Santa's Enchanted..BS's got some really nice lights.
  3. (Three) Freaking streets couldnt be any more crowded during this time of the year. Like, picture this, before Christmas Season I know I shouldnt get out between 4 and 7'30 p.m cuz I'll be stuck on traffic for an, during Christmas Break there is no freaking way you can determine the best time to avoid traffic cuz IT DOES NOT least not in Miami. And the Malls are like Freaking CHINA!!! itself (it's good to point out that I really dont like crowded places). This reason should be number one cuz i hate it the most, but once again im tired and blog editing is frustrating.
  4. (and Four) It's been statistically proven that the rate of accidents increases during Christmas Season (correct me if I've got my facts wrong).
But hey, there is stuff I love about Christmas:
  1. Ashley Tisdale's 'Last Christmas'
  2. Good Decorated House :] keep them nice
  3. and the happiness it brings to some (e.g. My 'closest' friends, and those kids whose life situation is alleviated by charity)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

that season of the year

Motivation makes your day worth living.

Toys donation to the kids at Jesse J. McCrary Jr. Elementary.

Perhaps I did not get the best night sleep of my life but lack of sleep was not stopping me from helping Mercy Hospital deliver toys to the needy kids on the Little River neighborhood. It's impossible to describe with words the beautiful feeling aroused within me by watching the  kids' faces when they got their Christmas presents from Santa, but I can tell that if you ever put some energy towards getting children to laugh you will feel as good as I did (guaranteed) since such generous act will bring joy not only to them but to your heart.

The look on those little and not-so-little kids give an entire new meaning to life, just try it and see for yourself.
Merry Christmas 
with ♥,

Friday, December 4, 2009

Winter Liquidation

Today seemed to be a pretty ordinary day (except for the fact that finals are next week, so that adds some Stress to the ordinary part), school, afternoon with friends, window shopping at the mall, well you get the picture here. Then I walk by F.Y.E and I see these 40% off little 'carteles' and my mind went "ffffeeww" -rewind sound- cuz they were the same carteles we used cuando CCITY was on liquidation. I know, I know, I should be over it by now but ccity was my very own heaven. You know about that place you go and you forget about everything? that was ccity for me, no matter the tests or the homework (or missing that awesome episode of Chuck) I'd go in there and I'd focus on doing my job and I'd enjoy the sh*t out of working :]
So today,  my ordinary day passed to be a pretty awesome day, filled with pretty cool yet wistful flashbacks :\
Seasons like these will always make me go back to the red and black days :]

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Craving for Sweet

5:50 pm outside DM, almost dark and empty stomach, what's there left to do??? "Vending Machines". Bueno $1.25 can help a lot when there is one more class left before going home. I check around there are chips candy bars and there...there it was *holy music playing*  one Damn Jumbo Honey Bun, last one available, though. Would you care? I know I didn't cuz I bought it and  ATE it. It was beautiful DELICIOUS! That piece of honey bun brought back some of the most wonderful memories and the hours spent at the gym back in HHS. aaww, I can now say that the best of life is your very own HONEY BUN :)

 Dec. 1, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Moon - Halo

Yesterday night was a normal night til my mom got a call from a friend asking her to look at the awesome halo around the moon. My comment about the matter: "One damn cool Moon"

One Damn Hell of a Halo