Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Little Big Sis

No, I'm not going Greek, it's just that my younger sister is already an entire foot taller than me... Yeah, demining..LOL This is just my way of getting a story out there. Friday, around 3pm. My sister comes bursting thru the front door from school like if she had just exited a building on fire. Picture this, 5'7" WHITE girl rushes into the room where you are quietly reading?? that's a pretty nerve breaking situation. just sayin' So she was all like "Hi, Laura. I just came from PE..." she had her PE uniform on, and I think is great that she has PE on her 7th period because she can get all sweaty and stuff and she doesnt have to go thru every single class like that; well, she kept saying "..and today I only ate an apple because I'm trying to be healthy and stuff and then I did some exercise in PE and .... blah blah blah" she prolly started talking about some Korean stuff cuz "blah" is all I hear when she talks about that. Then she walks into the kitchen and comes back to me screaming "Laura, I LOVE YOU!" yeah, she does indeed, especially since a large pepperonni and cheese pizza was waiting for her... I hope you got the irony out of this story. THE END

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Exhausting my Luck

I'm a true believer that you can have a limited amount of good chances per duration of a lifetime. AND THAT MAKES ME SCARED O_o simply because I've been on a good luck roll since Monday.
First I made it all the way to a job interview, didn't get the job but I'm not feelin' it.
I got PBL signed up with the American Airlines Arena which was a big hit considering that not only we got the contract but I managed to retrieve out Tax ID No. which we've been struggling to get since like Forever.
I reserved the Denny's spot for our CarWash (the panned date wasn't taken), and the lady offered me more fundraising activities like if it was my birthday.  =D 
I got 6 spots for my members to do AAA Orientation at FIU when it seemed impossible to get people to commit to the games due to scheduling conflicts.
I decided to get a second minor in Economics and my graduation date was extended by one semester ONLY!
I have three 4 people (Thanks Paula) signed up for my Fundrasing Committee
I don't have mid-terms until next week
and... IM ALIVE!
Life is looking too good, I might found myself in a hole with no food or water soon... just sayin'

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mix to Destruction

Sometimes I consider myself smart but some other times, I must admit I'm BRILLIANT. So take that yesterday I made this mix cd with most of my fav songs, which seemed like a brilliant idea but ended up being nothing more than a smart moment.
What can I say, I listened to the mix on my way to school this morning but I really like it, so when I parked I stayed a little bit longer just to finish listening to Closer by Joshua Radin... brilliant? not so much, more like somewhat smart. wanna know why? just read his lyrics and if that's not enough put some music to it:

the clouds in your eyes
down your face they pour
won't you be the new one burn to shine
 i take the blue ones every time
walk me down your broken line
all you have to do is cry

and the moment he says all you have to do is cry I start crying...picture this:
8:15 in the morning, me parked on the 5th floor of the gold garage with the sun hitting my face and a beautiful sky sight in front of me, and this guy with a voice sweeter than honey, talking to me, and the only thing that i can do is cry, WTF! 
whatever, next time i make myself a mix i'll remember why reggaeton is so awesome.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thirty [30] Days of Me: Days 27, 28, 29, and 30!

Okay, so this has proven to be a failure, I should have written the posts and scheduled them so that they were published on their respective day... oh, well, I didn't but mainly 'cause I wanted to feel and answer every question on its day, I wanted every question to be special, but I guess life got in the way... isn't that messed up, life getting on the way of something special??? well, here, the last days:

Day 27. Why are you doing this 30 day challenge.
I started this blog, but would write on it from time to time, this challenge was giving me the oportunity to have something to do with my blog, so I took it. Also, it looked pretty damn fun.

Day 28. A picture of you last year and now, and how have you changed since then.

I can honestly say that I have changed quite a lot. 
1. I GOT BANGS!!!!!! :)
2. I've done more community service activities than ever.
3. I've learned to miss my friends
4. I've become more outspoken
5. I've met wonderful people that have definitely changed me with their actions and words
6. I've become more academically oriented
7. I realized that some people can be so different from what you thought they were
8. I love mountain bike riding
9. I now think that my job is not that bad
10. Well, perhaps not within this year but I think after this weekend Imma shake things a little, see how everything turns out.

Day 29. In this past month what have you learned.
This question is hard, not cuz of the question itself but because I dont know if to talk about September or August..... well, imma talk about the past 30 days in general. 
I learned that sunrises can be beautiful but it happens so fast that you need to enjoy every second of it. Also, a day filled with outdoors activities can be really fun but the two days that might follow can be really painful ;)

Classes are awesome. There are good people left in this world. There are people who scream at you for no reason. It feels great to see a friend after a long time missing them. Tyler Knott Gregson can't be more romantic..wait.. yes, he can. I thought I had mastered Portuguese, then I heard real people talking. The Harry Potter Alliance at FIU got 170 members in ONE week. Movies are amazing. Books are awesome. 
I could keep on writing but would be too much, I learn something every hour of every day.

Day 30. Your favorite song.
You see what I mean? This question are sooo vague. 
My fav. Karaoke song is "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" ... no, wait.. "Bohemian Rhapsody" ... wait, no no, "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" is good toching you god you're touching meeeeee. Neh , "Bohemian Rhapsody" so you think you can love me and leave me to dieee
k, it's a tie...
Song based on lyrics. Lately I've been digging Animal by Neon Tree
   oh, oh
   I want some more
   oh, oh
   what you waitin' for?
   take a bite of my heart tonight

Well, it's been a pleasure writing this challenge. Thank you for reading.
follow the rest of my posts >> [30dom]
Jenny's challenge

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thirty [30] Days of Me: Day [26]

DAY 26.
What do you think about your friends.

I Love my friends, they make me laugh all the time. They support me and that's all I really want. I have good looking friends, responsible friends, procrastinators, funny, bums, smart, nerds, amazing friends, I got the full package when friends were being given away at the Friendship Fair. what did you get?


Tyler Knott's My Summer Psalm

LOVE Tylor Gregson, and many know that! But they might not know (until now) that I got really happylast month when he started following my Tumblr account. He's a master in the art of love; and when I read his last poem I felt as if I was breathing summer. I'm not selfish in most situations, especially not in those involving love, so here, a piece of the "Most Interesting Romantic Man in the World".

My Summer Psalm by Tylor Knott Gregson

This is my psalm to the Summer;
to the warm winds that dance in the long grass
and moves it like stormy seas.  To the ebb of
night’s chill and the whitewash paint the moon throws
on the skin of the earth.  To the fuzzy
flesh of the peach and the first sour splash of
plum on your perfect lips.  The daylight that lingers
and wraps around your hair like a halo before dipping
below the dry mountains in the distance.  The heat burns us

now and stains red the parts you leave for the sun to
kiss.  The red to brown and the emergence of freckles
on faces and a lightness to your hair.  To my hands inklessly
drawing on the naked arch of your back.  To the promises.  The
promises of surviving the hottest season.

This is my Summer psalm and this is my serenade to
you.  We’ll sit on porches in chairs that rock and we’ll watch
the lightning as it flirts with me again.  To the sound of ice cubes
clinking sweaty glasses and the slice of lemon
floating inside it.  The way you look when you smile at

me as I walk away.  To the sound of trains and church bells
echoing through the clear night air.  This is my psalm to
the smell of creek beds and wet towels, the sound of
laughter later into the nights as the light keeps the kids
awake.  The stars move above us slower

now and the meteors come to remind us that we too,
are floating in blackness.  The trail of light they leave
will never leave us.  The crickets sing and we don’t need to
understand their lyrics.  This is my serenade to the heat that
beat the frost but will fall again to the cool Autumn air

knocking on its doorstep.  To the final brave salutation of the leaves
and their shining in the sunlight.  To your skin peeking out of
clothes hidden in closets for too long.  This is to how rainbows follow
us and make us forget the rain that fell before them. To the panting

dogs and ladybugs crawling on garden leaves.  This is to how the
Earth wakes up and plays along.  To the grasshoppers parting
like Biblical seas when you walk through their homes.  This is to the
promise of love, through heat or freeze, green grass or brown and no matter
the color of the clouds in our sky.

This is my Summer psalm, this is my serenade to you.

Sep. 1st, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Thirty [30] Days of Me: Day [25]

Día 25 
What I would find in your bag 

EASY. my wallet. my official business binder. a pen. PBL flyers. my Zune. and the bag receipt. yeah, i keep it. No books this time around, Labor Day weekend requires all books on the table and study session. 


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thirty [30] days of Me: Day [24]

Day 24. A letter to your parents 
if only it was a letter to my mom... oh well. 

A mis padres, 
Gracias! Pues me han dado vida. Y por mucho que este mundo parezca "Una Serie de Eventos Desafortunados", la luz que brilla al amanecer y cae al atardecer hace que valga la pena vivir en él. Creo que mis decisiones me han hecho quien soy, pero las suyas han impactado el transcurso de mi vida de un modo inimaginable. Los amo hoy, mañana, y siempre. 

Los quiere, 

su hija 

Dear Mom and Dad,  

Thank you! For you have given me life. And the world might be "A Series of Unfortunate Events" but the light sparkling at every dawn and dimming at dust makes it worth living in. I believe my decisions have made me who I am, but yours have impacted the course of my life in unimaginable ways. I'll love you today, tomorrow, and always. 


Your Daughter 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Thirty [30] Days of Me: Day [23]

Day [23]
Something you crave for a lot.

Best whopper I've ever tasted. California Whopper [Melted swiss cheese and crispy bacon topped with guacamole.]
Whopper Bar
1101 Washington Ave
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 531-FIRE (3473)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Thirty [30] Days of Me: Day [22]

Day 22
What makes you different from everyone else.
There is no other Pretty like me in the entire world. I'm short, funny, random, and committed. 
I mean, who does this ...
and who has a fight with a 10 yr-old
and at the same time has some crazy dancing skills ... 

If u see someone else just like me... TUMBALA QUE ES DE CARTON!

A Day in Pretty's Life

How awkward must it be to be waken up by a dog when you don't even OWN ONE!!!! Okay, so my neighbor's dogs might be mine as well since they spend a lot of time over, but at 9am?!?!! seriously?!? 
There you go, that's my introduction for the day. After one and a half week of school work, and of constant planning, and of not getting enough sleep and of over working my beautiful and petite body I was planning on sleeping in until 12pm, to say the least. Did it happen? NO! "why?!" you might ask... well, Johnny (my neighbor's 4months-old dog) decided to pay me a visit. What are they teaching these days at dog school?! Gosh! So after 10mins of leaking my hand and scratching and biting my toes, he went away... I guess I was his morning workout, I guess then he was ready for the lady dogs.. Whatever.. did I fall asleep after that? NO, I did NOT. Shower que tu conoces.
After the shower I hit my computer, in a non-literal way of course, I love my computer. Answered a couple e-mails, and checked my FB. Found out some bad news on Yahoo!, like the explosion on the Gulf, but redeemed myself by checking the Marlins scoreboard for yesterday against the Washington Nationals (W16-10). Also, NFL.. I remember last year the Miami Dolphins winning EVERY pre-season game.. those days are long gone, current status is 2W-2L, whatever, I'm just gonna wait for the Miami Heat pre-season Oct. 5th. That's gonna be some raw awesomeness.
Studying for the 6 quizzes for my Marketing class followed. Prepared myself some lunch (which included some Chicharos) and watched "Where the Wild Things are" on HBO. By the way, that movie's plain WEIRD, and the kid (Max) reminded me of myself, probably why I found him extremely ANNOYING.
Drove to school, and completed 3 of the 6 quizzes for the Marketing class. Then I got into my Intermediate Java class, which was quite interesting. And I tried not to fall asleep this time, last class I did so and the professor was all like "right, Laura? (yes, he already knows my name, 3rd class I take with him so he better) Can you tell me the difference between a static variable and an instance variable?" I had to open my eyes and answer quickly, just NOT what you want to happen on a 45 people class.
After class I headed over to GC 283 for the Harry Potter Alliance (HPA) first meeting of the semester. YES! FIU has a philanthropy club about Harry Potter. It was quite funny and I made TWO new friends. FYI, Harvard University has a Quidditch team, now so does FIU.
Headed over to TacoBell with one of my new ... acquaintances LOL [loh - L] and we had a couple Pinareño moments, first there was no way that the TacoBell ToGo Box would open, we tried a hundred ways but that box was retarded, and then we couldn't open the door to leave, it was like House on Haunted Hill without the blood. That made my night.
Got home, checked FB once more, and wrote my Day 20 and Day 21 blog. Quite a day in my life.  

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thirty [30] Days of Me: Day [20] & [21]

For some reason I keep missing dates... oh, right! school work.. 

Day 20 Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future. 
I'm going to cite Michael Bublé on this one, Haven't Met You Yet. I dont plan on having a wedding... yet, they are AMAZING (just by looking at all the blogs I follow about weddings, and cakes, and bouquets...) but not quite what I'm looking forward to, marrying someone is kind of a scary situation, I'd have to be blindly in love to say the I DO. I guess that's how most people have to feel... silly me.

Day 21 A picture of something that makes you happy. 
A Tasty Breakfast