Friday, December 31, 2010

one last blog...for what's left of this year

Goodbye 2010! 

So many things happened this year that they are really hard to recall, so I won't. (got new friends and acquaintances, some acquaintances became friends, and some friends became acquaintances, and I had crazy 3am-awesome all-nighters, discovered tumblr, got my first ever hickey, visited Hogwarts, and spent more money than ever...) But what's best I enjoyed every single adventure because every one of them taught me something. like, if you want to make it early to see the sun come up by the beach you need to wake up at 5am; if you dont want to get sick on a hectic trip keep yourself from eating hamburgers; dont get into non-serious dating or whatever relationships (especially when you want the non-serious to become serious); DONT LEAVE YOUR KEYS LOCKED UP INSIDE YOUR CAR; dont leave you car on if you happen to leave the keys locked up inside the car; if you fall, check you dont have a heavy object above your head before getting up; if you're good at something become a tutor for that something. I mean, this year has been a BEAST! *meow* LOL

The future will soon become the present, and my present rocks! that's why my past is on the hall of fame. Sooo, I will make the best of the next year, I promise. I don't always keep my promises, so I promise to keep more promises :)

Latest News: As soon as the clock hits the 00:00HRS of Jan 1st,  the year 2011 will declare itself in state of emergency due to the arrival of Laura Alonso, the one who will turn 21 and bring down the house =D
Semi-dark room, mysterious person suddenly turns around, and in between the shadows says *Bond, James Bond voice*: "....Hi there 2011, I've been waiting for you..."

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