Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Little Big Sis

No, I'm not going Greek, it's just that my younger sister is already an entire foot taller than me... Yeah, demining..LOL This is just my way of getting a story out there. Friday, around 3pm. My sister comes bursting thru the front door from school like if she had just exited a building on fire. Picture this, 5'7" WHITE girl rushes into the room where you are quietly reading?? that's a pretty nerve breaking situation. just sayin' So she was all like "Hi, Laura. I just came from PE..." she had her PE uniform on, and I think is great that she has PE on her 7th period because she can get all sweaty and stuff and she doesnt have to go thru every single class like that; well, she kept saying "..and today I only ate an apple because I'm trying to be healthy and stuff and then I did some exercise in PE and .... blah blah blah" she prolly started talking about some Korean stuff cuz "blah" is all I hear when she talks about that. Then she walks into the kitchen and comes back to me screaming "Laura, I LOVE YOU!" yeah, she does indeed, especially since a large pepperonni and cheese pizza was waiting for her... I hope you got the irony out of this story. THE END

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